Workshop - International Trade and Intellectual Property Rights

Program in attachment

  • Data: dal 12 settembre 2022 alle 09:00 al 14 settembre 2022 alle 17:00

  • Luogo: Rimini Campus, Complesso Alberti, Via Quintino Sella 13

The Department of Economics, University of Bologna, will hold the Workshop on International Trade and Intellectual Property Rights held on the seaside Rimini Campus on September 12-14, 2022.

The workshop is organized within the framework of the PRIN2017 project “New Protectionist Policies: Political Determinants and Economic Consequences,” funded by Italian Ministry of University and Research.

The event will provide scholars with the opportunity to discuss their recent contributions in the areas of international trade and intellectual property rights.

Keynote speakers:

Professor Paula Bustos (CEMFI)

Professor Keith Maskus (University of Colorado, Boulder)

Professor Veronica Rappoport (London School of Economics)

Local organizers:

Alireza Naghavi, Eugenia Baroncelli, Stefano Bolatto, Gaetano Alfredo Minerva, Giuseppe Pignataro

Program committee:

Giorgio Barba Navaretti (University of Milan), Massimo Del Gatto (University of Chieti-Pescara), Olena Ivus (Queen’s University Kingston), Gianmarco Ottaviano (Bocconi University)