Internal Seminar: Filippo Santi

Title: "Environmental and social provisions in trade agreements"

  • Data: 27 settembre 2023 dalle 13:00 alle 14:00

  • Luogo: Seminar Room - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 + Microsoft Teams Meeting


Using a dataset covering more than 120 countries spanning several decades, we employ a synthetic difference-in-difference estimator to study whether non-trade provisions (NTPs) on labour standards, environmental protection and civil and human rights in trade agreements yield improvements in corresponding indicators. We distinguish between binding (enforceable) and non-binding provisions and investigate linkages between NTPs and official development assistance (ODA).  We find no evidence that labour or civil rights-related provisions improved associated outcome indicators in the sample period, while evidence on environmental outcomes is mixed. ODA is significantly greater with non-binding environmental and civil rights provisions, but not with labour standards.