12/12/2023 - Enrico Mallucci (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve): Avoiding Sovereign Default Contagion: A Normative Analysis

05/12/2023 - Giovanni Mastrobuoni (University of Turin): Strategic Bureaucratic Opacity: Evidence from Death Investigation Laws and Police Killings

30/11/2023 - Ro'ee Levy (University of Tel Aviv): Decomposing the Rise of the Populist Radical Right

28/11/2023 - Florian Oswald (Sciences Po): Structural Change, Land Use and Urban Expansion

21/11/2023 - Helios Herrera (Warwick University): Identity-Based Elections 

28/11/2023 - Florian Oswald (Sciences Po): Structural Change, Landuse and Urban Expansion 

05/12/2023 - Karlijn Morsink (University of Utrecht): TBA

31/10/2023 - Gianluca Orefice (University of Pairs-Dauphine-PSL): Immigration and Worker-Firm Matching

27/10/2023 - Anna Simoni (CREST, CNRS): Bayesian Bi-level Sparse Group Regressions for Macroeconomic Forecasting

25/10/2023 - Lea Cassar (University of Regensburg): Keep Calm and Carry On: Immediate- vs. Six-Month Effects of Mindfulness Training on Academic Performance

12/10/2023 - Mark Schankerman (LSE): Property Rights for Innovation: A Structural Model of Patent Screening

17/10/2023 - Alexander Cappelen (Norwegian School of Economics): Fairness Across the World

19/09/2023 - Carl Wennerlind & Fredrik Albritton JonssonScarcity. A History from the Origins of Capitalism to the Climate Crisis

04/07/2023 - Bård Harstad (University of Oslo): Contingent trade agreements

27/06/2023 - Gabriella Conti (University College London - UCL): Workforce quality in early years interventions: Evidence from a large-scale home visiting program

13/06/2023 - Luca Gambetti (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Collegio Carlo Alberto): Asymmetric Monetary Policy Tradeoffs

06/06/2023 - Dominic Rohner (University of Lausanne): Hidden hostility: Donor attention and political violence

23/05/2023 - Maria Petrova (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): Automation, Career Values, and Political preferences

16/05/2023 - Michael Finus (University of Graz) - The Governance Architecture of Climate Agreements in the Light of Solar Radiation Management

09/05/2023 - Bruno Crepon (CREST): Designing labor market recommender systems: the importance of job seeker preferences and competition

02/05/2023 - Morten Ravn (University College London): Financial Frictions: Micro vs Macro Volatility

27/04/2023 - Robert Slonim (University of Technology Sydney - UTS): Improving Financial Wellbeing, One Nudge at a Time

18/04/2023 - Jean-Paul Carvalho (University of Oxford): Zero-Sum Traps: The Evolution of Productivity-Stifling Beliefs

04/04/2023 -  Vasilis Sarafidis (Norwegian Business School): IV Estimation of Spatial Dynamic Panels with Interactive Effects

28/03/2023 -  Henning Hermes (Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics - DICE): Early Child Care and Maternal Labor Supply: A Field Experiment

21/03/2023 - Yanos Zylberberg (University of Bristol): Floating population: migration with(out) family and the spatial distribution of economic activity

14/03/2023 - Giuseppe Sorrenti (University of Amsterdam):The Causal Impact of Socio-Emotional Skills Training on Educational Success (joint with Manuel Eisner, Denis Ribeaud and Ulf Zölitz)

07/03/2023 - Enrico Sette (Banca d'Italia): When broadband comes to banks: credit supply, market structure, and information acquisition (joint with Angelo D’Andrea and Marco Pelosi)

28/02/2023 - Thomas Douenne (University of Amsterdam): Optimal Fiscal Policy in a Climate-Economy Model with Heterogeneous Households (joint with Albert Jan Hummel and Marcelo Pedroni)