Policy workshop on the interaction of macroeconomic governance and climate policy in the European Union

  • Data: 29 aprile 2022 dalle 09:00 alle 18:30

  • Luogo: Aula Mattarelli, Piazzale della Vittoria, 15 - 47121, Forlì (FC)

The workshop Shared Perspectives brings together top academics with practitioners and policymakers, to build a realistic ‘big picture’ of two central challenges facing the EU: how to manage the ambitious transition to a carbon-neutral economy, and how to navigate macroeconomic governance in an era when the macroeconomic landscape has changed and old orthodoxies are being questioned.

Ambitious climate policy operates on a scale which has major macroeconomic significance: the two dimensions can no longer be considered separately. Macroeconomic and climate policy decisions will also have large distributional implications, both within and between member states, which must be taken into account when designing politically feasible solutions.

Further, the war in Ukraine has transformed the European discussion on both energy security and on the need to increase defence investment, making questions over the green transition and macroeconomic governance both more urgent and more difficult.

Shared Perspectives promotes a structured yet highly interactive discussion between researchers and practitioners; between economic and political viewpoints; between macroeconomics and climate economics; between perspectives from different member states.

The first three sessions bring together distinguished speakers who will give brief introductions on macroeconomic governance, climate policy and the interaction of the two (details in the attached programme). In each session, after a short initial presentation by each speaker, they will be asked to address each others’ main arguments, trying to reconcile diverse views and formulate a shared understanding on the most important problems, and of points of agreement and disagreement. The final panel discussion builds on the (primarily) economic insights of the first three sessions and widens the lens to bring in more political perspectives.

The workshop contributes to the Conference on the Future of Europe, an ongoing public discussion over the development of European Union governance.

Shared Perspectives takes place on the Forlì campus of the University of Bologna. The workshop will be held in presence, with selected remote contributions.

Shared Perspctives has received financial support by Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì.

How to participate

  • In presence - Aula Mattarelli, Piazzale della Vittoria, 15 - 47121, Forlì (FC)
  • Zoom webinar Register to partitipate actively in the debate (max. 300 participants
  • Live on YouTube - Follow the live streaming on the YouTube channel of the Department of Economics