
24 nov 2020


Research Seminar: Raquel Bernal


“The effects of a project and play-based early education program on medium term developmental trajectories of young children in a low-income setting” (Raquel Bernal, Milagros Nores & Michele Giannola)

23 nov 2020

Iniziative di formazione

Teaching Lab / 1st edition Spell

Microsoft Teams

La partecipazione è aperta a tutti i docenti, ricercatori, assegnisti e dottorandi

18 nov 2020


Internal Seminar: Niko Samuli Jaakkola

Microsoft Teams

Title of the presentation: "(All) symmetric equilibria in differential games with public goods"

17 nov 2020


WiP Seminar: Maximilan Schäfer

Microsoft Teams

Title of the presentation: "Ratings and Strategic Pricing: Evidence from Airbnb"

17 nov 2020


Research Seminar: Simon Dietz (LSE)

Microsoft Teams

Title of the presentation: "Are economists getting climate dynamics right and does it matter?"

11 nov 2020


Internal Seminar: Marco Casari

Microsoft Teams

Title of the presentation: "Institutional Change in Property Rights: Model and Evidence of a Centuries-Long Dynamic"

10 nov 2020


Research Seminar: Enrique Ide (IESE Business School)

Microsoft Teams

Title of the presentation: "A Theory of Must-Haves"

9 nov 2020

Iniziative di formazione

Teaching Lab / 1st edition SPELL

Aula 1 (primo piano), Piazza Scaravilli 2 + Microsoft Teams

Public Speaking

6 nov 2020

Iniziative di formazione

Third Year EDLE Workshop


Vedi il programma

3 nov 2020


WiP Seminar: Niko Samuli Jaakkola

Microsoft Teams

Title of the presentation: "Endogenous climate policy, systemic risk and asset stranding"

3 nov 2020


Research Seminar: Giovanni Ricco (University of Warwick)

Microsoft Teams

Title of the presentation: "The Global Transmission of U.S. Monetary Policy" (with R. Degasperi and S. S, Hong)

2 nov 2020

Iniziative di formazione

Teaching Lab / 1st edition SPELL

Aula 32 - Piazza Scaravilli 2 (3° piano) + Microsoft Teams

Public Speaking