
16 nov 2017

Internal seminar - The real effect of the TARP - Yuki Takahashi (PhD student)

Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)

14 nov 2017

Research seminar - Macroeconomic Fluctuations with HANK & SAM: an Analytical Approach - Morten Ravn (UCL)

Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)

10 nov 2017

EDLE Seminars Conference

Seminar Room (Strada Maggiore 45)

7 nov 2017

Research seminar - Social Insurance Barriers to Economic Growth - Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis (Barcelona GSE)

Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)

3 nov 2017

A Joseph Stiglitz il Sigillum Magnum e inaugurazione dell'anno accademico dei corsi di studio e del dottorato del DSE

l’Aula Absidale di Santa Lucia (Via de' Chiari, 25/a– Bologna)

3 nov 2017

Internal seminar - The Debt Crises in the Euro Zone: Causes and Consequences - Sergii Yakubosvyi (Head of the Department of World Economy and International Economics - Odessa National University)

Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)

31 ott 2017

Research seminar - Measuring Physician Quality - Joseph Doyle (MIT Sloan School of Management)

Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)

26 ott 2017 29 ott 2017

Halloween Conference - Sovereign Risk and the Euro: Lessons from the Crisis

P.zza Scaravilli, 2 e P.zza Scan Giovanni in Monte - Aula Prodi (Bologna)

25 ott 2017

Internal seminar - Revenue-side or Spending-Side Adjustments: Evidence from italian Municipalities - Luigi Marattin

Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)

23 ott 2017

Research seminar - Price Customization and Targeting in Many-to-Many Matching Markets - Alessandro Pavan (Northwestern University)

Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)

18 ott 2017

Internal seminar - Property Rights, Transaction Costs, and the Limits of the Market - Carmine Guerriero

Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)

17 ott 2017

Research seminar - The global evolution of corporate prosecutions - Brandon Garrett (University of Virginia School of Law)

Seminar Room (Strada Maggiore 45)